Incline Treadmill Threshold Workout

From TrainingPeaks:

1. Pyramid Threshold Hills
This is a great workout to work on strength and threshold. It's also a relatively long workout (it can be modified to be shorter), thus allowing for some good aerobic work hitting both your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. Running for 1:20 on a treadmill may be a long time, but sometimes that's necessary.
Start with a 15 minute warm up in heart rate zones 1 and 2. Then, set the treadmill to a 1.5% grade and a pace that will allow you to be in low zone 3 heart rate and do the following pyramid: 
1 minute at 6%, 1 minute at 1.5%
2 minutes at 5.5%, 2 minutes at 1.5%
3 minutes at 5%, 3 minutes at 1.5%
4 minutes at 4.5%, 4 minutes at 1.5%
5 minutes at 4%, 5 minutes at 1.5%
4 minutes at 4.5%, 4 minutes at 1.5%
3 minutes at 5%, 3 minutes at 1.5%
2 minutes at 5.5%, 2 minutes at 1.5%
1 minute at 6%, 1 minute at 1.5% 
Remember, your speed should not change at all during this run, adjust the grade only. This is 50 full minutes of solid running, with 25 of it likely near threshold. Finish with a 15 minute cool down.


Assisted Glute Ham Raises = Hip Strength for Running - coming soon
