First Week of New Job

It's been an interesting week, for sure. I'm working uptown SLC now and riding the train (Frontrunner0 in the early morning and evening. I've been working up to riding to the station in Lehi, but have a few logistical hurdles to bypass. I'll need to be ready to ride in the dark and cold early morning hours.
Crack of dawn at Lehi Frontrunner Station
I got my poor bike set up. As you might be aware, my 14 year old son has been racing Cyclocross this year, and he'd cannibalized my bikes for parts etc. to get his rig set up. I got my street bike (not my racing bike) back together and took a 5 mile ride, doing a few sprints, last week. I also got my workout routine adjusted a bit.

Utah Cyclocross Racing Series
I'll be trading riding miles to replace my running miles. It's going to be about 10 miles each way to the station, plus a mile in uptown SLC. 22 ish miles a day. This past week I've been doing about 4+ miles on the treadmill at a good speed, plus some weights, about two days worth. I plan on getting up at 5ish, doing about 40 minutes of weights, then riding to the station.

I'll be doing a test ride tomorrow I think to get my timing and turns worked out. Wish me luck. As far as running, I guess starting next week I'll run on Saturday, and maybe if I do a rest day mid-week as I adjust to the riding. Some cross training is good, right?

