Ice Climbing Training: Ice Tool Chinups

Now that I'm done with Elbrus Race 2013 I have to start training in earnest for the upcoming ice climbing season, about 6 to 8 weeks away. This morning I did an upper body routine and I'll be sharing that with you over the next few weeks so maybe you'll start training with some of my tips.

This morning I did Ice Tool Chinups. Here I'm using a regular hangboard with the tips of the tools placed at the junction between jugs and slopers. I have to be careful not to slip, but that just adds to the specificity of the training I think.

10 Second Dead Hangs are a great addition to the training
Others I've talked to have said they use eye bolts and get a more secure hook with the tips. Whichever works for you, be warned that ice tools are pointy, and dangerous, and can damage walls and your hangboard. Be careful.

I'm doing sets of 3 here, and mixed it up with other training in Superset style - A set of Ice Tool Chinups and a set of Standing Low Rows in this case. Repeat a half dozen or so times and then get on to the next exercises. Over the course of the next couple months I will most likely add weight rather than increase sets or reps. YMMV...
